Here you will find all information about canceling at ANWB
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Do you want to cancel the services of ANWB? No problem! Fill in the form with the required information and we will prepare a cancellation letter for you. Once it's ready, you can download it and send it to the provided address. You will receive a confirmation from ANWB as soon as your cancellation request has been processed.
Want even more convenience? Let handle your cancellation for you, and you can focus on more enjoyable things!
You can cancel ANWB by telephone, but there is a chance that the ANWB employee will try to persuade you not to cancel. If you can withstand this, then cancelling by telephone is useful because it is considerably faster than cancelling in writing. If you want to stay out of the discussion on the phone, you can also cancel ANWB in writing. Take into account a processing time of up to 30 days. Haven't heard anything after 30 days? Contact our customer service and we will call you right after!
You can download all cancellation letters for free at You don't have to register, so you can have your cancellation letter for ANWB ready within two minutes. Furthermore, you can send the free cancellation letter yourself. It's that easy on
Do you want immediate certainty about your cancellation? Arrange it directly online at the largest cancellation service in the Netherlands. When we deliver the cancellation for you to ANWB, we give you a 100% cancellation guarantee. This way you can be sure that everything has been arranged, and you will receive free support from us and - if necessary - also free legal assistance in realizing the cancellation.
1. Cancelling ANWB by phone: You can cancel ANWB over the phone using the number at the bottom of this page. Keep in mind that ANWB's customer service might not always be available. Generally, Monday afternoon is the best time to call when the queues are shortest.
2. Written Cancellation for ANWB: To cancel in writing, send a letter to the address listed below, or use the address provided in our ready-made cancellation form. Make sure you include all the necessary information. Wondering what's needed? Check out our cancellation form for ANWB to see exactly what details are required to cancel with ANWB.
3. Online using Use our easy cancellation service to save yourself the hassle. We'll handle the tedious parts so you can focus on the fun stuff. And the best part? We guarantee your cancellation with ANWB!
You can reach ANWB on the telephone number 088-269028037.
Postbus 93200
2509 BA Den Haag