Cancelling a subscription or contract can be quite a hassle. For example, many people do not know what rights they have with regard to terminating agreements. In addition, it is not always clear which rules apply to a cancellation. To remove such ambiguities about cancelling subscriptions, has set up a knowledge base. In this knowledge base, we discuss, among other things, the Van Dam Act, the Right of Resistance, the right of withdrawal, moving, and death. This makes cancelling contracts and subscriptions a lot easier.
The van Dam law restricts the tacit renewal of subscriptions. Thanks to this law, a subscription may only be renewed for a maximum of 1 month each time after the expiration of the agreed subscription period. A subscription to a newspaper or magazine may be renewed for a maximum of 3 months.
There are legal rules governing the tacit renewal of subscriptions and contracts. In some cases, providers are allowed to tacitly renew a subscription. This depends on a number of factors, such as the type of subscription. Thereby the rules for a subscription to energy are different from a subscription to television and internet.
Do you no longer want to receive calls from a specific company or organization? Then make use of the Right of Resistance. It is enough to indicate during a phone call that you no longer want to be called, but you can also contact the company yourself.
Heb je binnen 14 dagen na het afsluiten al spijt dat je een overeenkomst bent aangegaan? Dan biedt het herroepingsrecht uitkomst. Dankzij dit recht kun je een overeenkomst die tot stand is gekomen per telefoon, via het internet of op straat binnen 14 dagen, zonder opgaaf van reden, annuleren.
The best way to cancel a subscription is to send a letter of cancellation. When you want to send such a letter, it is important that you know what information you need to include. If you do not include the correct information in a cancellation letter, your cancellation cannot be processed properly.
Betaalt u een abonnement via automatische incasso? Dan moet u deze stopzetten als u uw abonnement beëindigt. Dat kan door contact op te nemen met het bedrijf, maar u kunt een automatische incasso ook zelf stopzetten via de bank. Doe dit alleen als u een bevestiging van opzegging heeft ontvangen. Zo niet, dan bent u verplicht te betalen.
In vergelijking met een aantal jaar geleden sluiten we steeds meer abonnementen af. Het gevolg hiervan is dat veel mensen het overzicht verloren zijn. In dat geval maak je mogelijk onnodig veel kosten. Zorg er daarom voor dat je in beeld hebt welke abonnementen je hebt en beëindig abonnementen die je niet meer gebruikt.
A relocation often has quite a lot going for it. Not only do you have to make sure the move itself goes smoothly, but you also have to arrange all sorts of things. To prevent you from forgetting important things, has} 12 things to consider when moving house.
In general, different rules apply for terminating a rental contract than for terminating subscriptions, for example. As a tenant you can always terminate a contract, whereas a landlord must have a legal reason to do so. To give you more clarity about this, we have written an entire page about terminating a lease.
In general, different rules apply for terminating a rental contract than for terminating subscriptions, for example. As a tenant you can always terminate a contract, whereas a landlord must have a legal reason to do so. To give you more clarity about this, we have written an entire page about terminating a lease.