Here you will find all information about canceling at MUBI
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Cancellation guarantee
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4000 organisations
After handling more than 3.5 million cancellations, we at are confident enough to say that we know what we're talking about. And we share all our knowledge for free and without obligation with you; we explain what you need to pay attention to when cancelling and provide you with all the necessary information to manage it yourself. You can also download our templates for free and send them yourself. And use these templates, because then you are sure that you are providing the right information and that your cancellation can be processed correctly and quickly by MUBI. We do nothing with your data. In fact, if you do not use our sending service, the data you enter in the template will be deleted from our platform within 24 hours.
Do you want optimal convenience with your cancellation? Then we can handle your cancellation for you. You get our cancellation guarantee and you don't have to do anything else. We do all the tedious work for you.
Ready to arrange your cancellation online right away? Utilize our delivery service. We'll dispatch your cancellation to MUBI, and you'll receive a shipping confirmation from us along with a copy of your cancellation letter. It can't get any simpler!
Looking to cancel Company? Just fill in the required details, and the letter will be generated automatically. Download, sign, and send it to the provided address. You'll receive confirmation from Company once your subscription is cancelled.
1. Cancelling MUBI by phone: You can cancel MUBI over the phone using the number at the bottom of this page. Keep in mind that MUBI's customer service might not always be available. Generally, Monday afternoon is the best time to call when the queues are shortest.
2. Written Cancellation for MUBI: To cancel in writing, send a letter to the address listed below, or use the address provided in our ready-made cancellation form. Make sure you include all the necessary information. Wondering what's needed? Check out our cancellation form for MUBI to see exactly what details are required to cancel with MUBI.
3. Online using Use our easy cancellation service to save yourself the hassle. We'll handle the tedious parts so you can focus on the fun stuff. And the best part? We guarantee your cancellation with MUBI!
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