Here you will find all information about canceling at Ab de Wijn
What was just canceled?
Cancellation guarantee
Free legal help
4000 organisations
You can always cancel your subscription with Ab de Wijn. Keep in mind that there may be a contract period when you take out a subscription. After this initial period, subscriptions can always be cancelled with a maximum notice period of 1 month. More and more organizations are taking a flexible approach to this. For example, you can almost always cancel charities and car insurance daily. Let's hope that more and more organizations will follow this good example!
Do you want immediate certainty about your cancellation? Arrange it directly online at the largest cancellation service in the Netherlands. When we deliver the cancellation for you to Ab de Wijn, we give you a 100% cancellation guarantee. This way you can be sure that everything has been arranged, and you will receive free support from us and - if necessary - also free legal assistance in realizing the cancellation. is happy to help you cancel subscriptions. We would, of course, be happy to send you your cancellation letter for a small fee, but don't feel obligated. You can also find all the necessary information to cancel Ab de Wijn and use it for free with no obligations.
You can reach Ab de Wijn on the telephone number 0222 - 3 123 15.
Ab de Wijn
Bernhardlaan 188
1791 XJ Den Burg