Cancel bbb Health Boutique

Here you will find all information about canceling at bbb Health Boutique

Step 1Fill the form below

Step 2Accept Terms & Pay€6.95

Directly Sent – Legally Valid – Confirmation within Minutes – 100% Cancellation Guarantee

You need to accept our terms and conditions

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100% Cancellation Guarantee
Name and surname
Street and house number
Postcode City

BBB Health Boutique Tilburg
Kempenaarplaats 16
5017 JH Tilburg

City, 22-02-2025

Betreft: opzegging lidmaatschap

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

Hierbij zeg ik mijn lidmaatschap met onderstaande gegevens per eerstvolgende mogelijkheid na dagtekening op.

Naam: Name and surname
Adres: Street and house number
Postcode + plaats: Postcode City
Geboortedatum: Birthdate
E-mailadres: E-mail address

De incassomachtiging dient tegelijkertijd te worden beëindigd.

Daarnaast verzoek ik u hierbij tevens, overeenkomstig artikel 17 AVG, over te gaan tot onmiddellijke verwijdering van al mijn persoonsgegevens in de zin van artikel 4(1) AVG, behoudens in de gevallen zoals opgesomd in artikel 17(3) AVG.

Graag zie ik de bevestiging van deze opzegging en de verwijdering van mijn persoonsgegevens op bovenstaand e-mailadres tegemoet.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Name and surname

Here's how our customers feel about us

We have processed 4.421.562 cancellations. Read some testimonials from our users here


Prima geregeld

Tineke, Hoogezand



Super eenvoudig opzeggen dankzij jullie hulp!

Liesbeth, Lochem



Prima geregeld

Tineke, Hoogezand



Super eenvoudig opzeggen dankzij jullie hulp!

Liesbeth, Lochem



Snel geregeld.

Ronald , Den Haag


Read all reviewsThese are the reviews of our customers

Contact information bbb Health Boutique

We are here to assist you in canceling subscriptions. We offer a paid service to send your cancellation letter, but it's entirely optional. You can access all the information to cancel bbb Health Boutique for free, no strings attached.

Reasons to cancel bbb Health Boutique

Saving money is the top reason for canceling subscriptions. With the average person juggling numerous subscriptions, the monthly costs can quickly add up. When you consider the annual expense, it's a wake-up call for many to start canceling those costly, unused, or unnecessary subscriptions.

Cancel bbb Health Boutique in just 5 easy steps

📝 Step 1: Fill in the Blanks

Ready to say goodbye to bbb Health Boutique? Just pop in your details. Name, address, and all that jazz – it's a doddle.

🔒 Step 2: Ditch the Data?

Want bbb Health Boutique to bin your personal info right away? Tick 'Delete My Personal Data' under your details and you won't get any more mail or calls from bbb Health Boutique.

📬 Step 3: How to Send It?

We offer different ways: send it by registered post or registered email. Opting for registered post? You'll get a tracking number from Unified Post to track your cancellation. We provide a 100% cancellation guarantee for both methods. Safe and sound!

✍️ Step 4: Time to Sign

All filled in? Time to scribble your signature. Click on the blue pencil icon and get signing. The signature we've already set up with your name is also totally fine to use and accepted by bbb Health Boutique.

🚀 Step 5: Off It Goes!

Done with all the steps? Hit 'Send My Cancellation' to use our sending service. Prefer to do it yourself? Click the download icon and print your letter. Remember: if you send it yourself, you'll miss out on our 100% cancellation guarantee.

And just like that, you're free from your commitment. No stress, no fuss. Just click, fill in, send. Doesn't get easier than this! 🎉📄👍

Cancel bbb Health Boutique

Looking to cancel Company? Just fill in the required details, and the letter will be generated automatically. Download, sign, and send it to the provided address. You'll receive confirmation from Company once your subscription is cancelled.

Address bbb Health Boutique

bbb Health Boutique

Hazenstraat 51

1016 SN Amsterdam